Call Charges 07011

Results for 07011 Call Charges

Red Light07011 are personal numbers These are different from mobile numbers and calls to them are more expensive.

They can be used as a "follow me" service where calls are diverted from another number.

Small businesses and sole traders use them to make it easy to manage calls.

Personal numbers are also sold on a one-off basis, for example when someone is buying or selling a used car and doesn't want to advertise their private mobile or fixed line number on a website or magazine.

How much do calls cost? 070 numbers can cost between 5p and 50p per minute if calling from a landline (and often include a call set-up fee, sometimes of up to 50p).

From a mobile phone these numbers can cost up to £1.00 per minute

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call charges 07011, confused by telephone call charges, enter phone number above or part number ( full numbers are not stored ). We will tell you how much the call will cost. We operate a simple traffic light system. Green means ok to call, red means you will be charged a high price for that call, amber is in between.

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