01206 Call Costs

Results for 01206 Call Charges

Green Light01206 numbers are geographic numbers These numbers relate to specific locations in the UK and are used for homes and businesses.

For example, York is 01904, Birmingham is 0121, Glasgow is 0141 and London is 020.

How much do calls cost? Calls from landlines are typically charged between 2p and 10p per minute; calls from mobiles between 10p and 40p per minute.

For landlines there is normally also a call set-up fee, and call charges are dependent on the time of day.

Most providers offer call packages that allow calls free of charge at certain times of the day.

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01206 call costs, confused by telephone call charges, enter phone number above or part number ( full numbers are not stored ). We will tell you how much the call will cost. We operate a simple traffic light system. Green means ok to call, red means you will be charged a high price for that call, amber is in between.

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